10 Brain Healthy Foods For All Ages

Dear followers and our readers, you all must have been observing that our new generation is more prone to memory issues and loss of concentration. some of us forgets the place we park our cars or motorcycles, lost keys and things like that. So today we are going to discuss some brain healthy foods that strengthens your brain, helps ward off Alzheimer's and improves memory. For this We will focus on foods that are rich in vitamins, mineral and antioxidants as they have been proven to help with memory and supports more effective brain functioning. Below are some brain healthy foods that will do the job for you. 

1. Fish (مچھلی)

Fish, specially salmon is a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids, which helps in decreasing blood levels of a protein that forms dangerous clumps in your brain leading to memory loss and Alzheimer's disease.

2. Tomatoes (ٹماٹر)

60 Percent of our brain is composed of fat and tomatoes are filled with fat soluble nutrients which are called Carotenoids. They are great antioxidants which helps to neutralize free radicals and keeps your brain functioning at its peak.

3. Turmeric (ہلدی)

Curcumin the most active compound in turmeric have many scientifically proven health benefits. It has the potential to prevent Alzheimer's, heart disease and even cancer. It increases BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor) levels leading to improved brain function. It is a great anti-inflammatory and antioxidant which also help improve signs of arthritis and depression as well. One tea spoon full in a glass of milk daily will do the job.

4. Chia and Flax Seeds ( تخم شربتی,السی کے بیج, تخم ملنگا)

Two super foods that are high in fiber and contains Omega-3 fatty acids that reduces inflammation in the colon, removes toxins and are good for our brain too. Chia seeds comprises 40% fiber, which makes them one of the best sources of fiber in the world. They also comprises 14% protein, which is high in comparison to other plants. Chia seeds also got amino acids as well. Here is a bonus recipe of Chocolate Pistachio Chia Shake for all of you ;)

  • 1/2 cup milk, plus more to thin if desired
  • 2 tablespoons chia seeds
  • 3 pitted or medjool dates
  • 1/3 cup pistachios
  • 3 medium peeled, sliced and riped bananas
  • 2 tablespoons unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1/4 cup plain yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla powder

Mix together the milk and chia seeds in a small bowl. Let this sit for 15 minutes.
Meanwhile add the pistachios and dates to your blender. Blend until the mixture becomes finely chopped and almost butter like, scraping down the side as you go. You want to get it as smooth as possible. Blend the mixture for about 5 minutes.
Now to the blender add the milk and chia seeds mixture, banana chunks, cocoa powder, yogurt and vanilla powder. Blend until mixture gets thick, creamy, and smooth, about 4-5 minutes. Scrape down the sides of the blender as needed. If the shake is too thick then you need to add more milk to your liking. Your delicious Chocolate Pistachio Chia Shake is ready.

5. Broccoli (شاخ گوبھی)

One of the healthiest vegetable from cabbage family, Broccoli is a great source of folate (folic acid), Vitamin A, B, C and K. Also high in fiber, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and potassium, builds collagen that forms our body tissues and bones and is also good for our overall health. This vegetable is also known as a super food and best anti-ageing in its class.

6. Apples (سیب)

A study has proven that quercetin in apples may protect neurons in our brain. Quercetin helps to reduce cellular death in brain due to oxidation and inflammation. This process may also play an important role in reduction of neurodegenerative disorders specially Alzheimer's.

7. Coffee and Tea (کافی اور چائے)

The Caffeine and Amino acids found in coffee and green tea has been shown to have powerful effects on overall brain functionality specially memory recall and reduce anxiety and depression. But remember excessive use of caffeine also has its side effects. Two cups of coffee a day are good enough.

8. Spinach (پالک)

A research shows that spinach keeps your memory in good working order. It is also packed with all the minerals and vitamins found in broccoli thus it offers to protect our brain by fending off things like dementia in older adults.

9. Blueberries (نیلی بیری)

It has been shown that consumption of two servings of blueberries a week can improve memory. A new research also suggests that eating blueberries may improve thinking capabilities in older adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI).

10. Walnuts (اخروٹ)

Shaped like a human brain, Walnuts are good for your brain and heart as well. All the nuts are a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids but walnuts are on the top for brain health because they contain higher concentrations of Omega-3 fatty acid which improves brain health for all age groups.

Bottom Line:

It's proven that eating brain healthy food specially green vegetables and foods high in Omega-3 will keep your brain younger and reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease by almost 50 percent!
