If you want to live a healthy life than you have to change your life style. It is not a secret that there are many foods that have been known as healthy but they actually are unhealthy for you. Companies use 'sugar free' or 'All natural' on their labels, but that does not mean truly that the food is healthy to eat. Specially processed foods which contains a variety of chemical additives that makes them last longer and taste better.
Microwave popcorn contains Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA) and Perfluorooctane Sulonate (PFOS). These chemicals turns into contaminants in blood and on heating, leach onto the popcorn. these chemicals are hazardous to health the first danger they pose on our health is infertility.
Margarine contains trans-fat, which according to doctor is unnatural fat.the most important difference between butter and margarine is utter contain saturated fat while margarine contain trans-fat. Trans-fat raises LDL (Bad) cholesterol. which has been associated with high risk of heart disease and other chronic heart issues. margarine is made up of refined vegetable oil and water.
Canned tomatoes contain BPA (Bisphenol A), which is a toxic chemical that is link to reproductive abnormalities, increased risk of breast and prostate cancer, diabetes, heart disease and other health problems.the consumer report's testing state that only a couple of servings of canned food can exceed the safely limit for daily BPA exposure for children.
4. Vegetable Oil
Vegetable oils are highly processed and when heated they can cause damage by converting good cholesterol into bad cholesterol by oxidizing, it becomes rancid. It is a chemical that should never be consumed because it leads to vascular disease.
According to a 2011 review of more then 7000 clinical studies that examined the connection between diet and cancer, processed meats are not healthy at all and everyone should avoid eating them. This report was accredited by the World Cancer Research fund. Another study revealed that people who ate more processed meat had high rate of diabetes, heart disease and some types of cancer.
Our body need salt in order to live. But the table salt that is found in processed foods is not the same as the salt that our bodies need, This salt is 98% sodium chloride and the other 2% is man-made chemicals such as moisture and added iodine, which is as harmful to the body, like ferrocyanide and aluminosilicate.
According to our report found in appetite artificial sweeteners such as aspartame have the ability to stimulate your appetite, stimulate fat storage and weight gain and increase carbohydrate craving. This was also proved that aspartame and saccharin were found to cause more weight gain than sugar. So artificial sweeteners should be avoided at all cost. Use honey or brown sugar in small amounts as an alternative.